Saturday, December 22, 2007


BackInBlack (mp3)
MyStandard8Chords (mp3)

Haven't put much up here recent, so here are two clips. Metal, compressor, chorus, lead pickup.

Monday, November 26, 2007


strumming (mp3)
Just trying some open full strums, instead of my usual single-string picking combinations. Not great timing or much else, just trying to land it all every time.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Happy Settings

MoreMetal (mp3)

Just walking around playing tidbits once I got the pedal sounding just like I wanted, after the old Scott amp finally kicked the bucket. This is using a ton of muting using the palm of my pick hand, mostly on the bottom 4 strings.

Only using lead pickup, and picking directly over it.
Compressor, sens 4, level 5
Drive metal, gain 20, tone 5, cabinet off, level 5
EQ presense 2, treb 4, mid 4, bass 0

Saturday, October 27, 2007


train (mp3)
I like playing this kinda stuff where I'm playing a bassline and just playing with the top of the chord. Divided the tempo on the keyboard in half so it wasn't filling in over top everything.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

FingerPicking Again

4FingersNoPick (mp3)
Also starting to work on using more than one finger :-) All the samples up to this point have been just been from a pick (and a couple pulloffs). This is no pick, using thumb and top 3 fingers all independently.


MetalReprise (mp3)

Four chord progression from the metal test with another combo as the "chorus". Set to acoustic with not much else. Don't like the tone on this, sounds very weak and tinny.

Finger B Healed

KindaNirvana (mp3)
Took about 10 days to get my finger back to 100% from an "incident" with my cat. Starting to play alot more with both a bass line and a lead twill at the same time. This is just a single track with me playing along to a "disco" drum beat from the Yamaha. EQ is kinda dorked up on this, with the bottom 2 strings overpowering the rest... but it doesn't sound too bad, once you start gazing at your shoes. :-)

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Pygmalion Review

Surprisingly great live performances by Okkervil River, Dianogah, Baby Teeth, and Cory Chisel and The Wandering Sons.

Expected great jobs by Maserati and Headlights.

Worst was Margot and The Nuclear So and So’s, which was Friday nights headline band. Really boring songs, and with 7 members at max volume and poorly mic'd, was just a drone.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Krannert guitar fest starts Thursday night,

Wall to Wall Guitar

and Pygmalion fest is at multiple sites in C-U next Wednesday-Saturday


Fingers = Bad

HowToGetWeakTone (mp3)
Just using bare fingers to walk around some chords... Easy to hear the inconsistency, plus really weak attack on each note. I'm plucking pretty hard and not getting much output level, so this is juiced up in software too.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Let there be drums

AllOneTrackWhenICanHearMyself (mp3)
Several hours later and alot of rewiring. Switched to using the USB output feed from the mixer to the PC, which is a much lower level and seemed to stop most of the clipping at max volume. Also learned that the Fender amp modeler in the Zoom pedal adds too much distortion too soon - not gonna use that anymore. Here is my modified version of a section of a Morrissey song, Let Me Kiss You. This is me playing along with just a drum beat while listening to the drums and live guitar via the mixer monitor. "Clean" amp and some chorus and compressor on. Had to up the gain in Audacity to get reasonable MP3 volume, which doesn't make me happy. However, I am very happy that with this setup and using both guitar pickups, I got nice bass-like sound and lead-like sound at the same time. This is just one track with the Yamaha only doing drums.


TwoTracksOMG (mp3)
First try to include a drum/bass track, generated separately by the Yamaha. Just two chords over and over: first track is the drums and me playing the bass on the keyboard. But after I recorded that, I realized I didn't have a way to hear it back live as I did the guitar on top. So, track two is me playing guitar to a new (same) drum track from the Yamaha. This meant I could cut and paste the two tracks together and adjust until the drums matched on top of each other. :-)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Finally some music

MetalTest (mp3)
First sound check, just playing to get levels worked out. Couple places where the level tops out and gets clipped. Just a 4 chord progression, pedal on "Metal" with a compressor, no metronome.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Parts of the puzzle

Squire (Fender) Thinline Telecaster (humbucker pickups) info

Zoom GFX-3 effects pedal (thanks to Art from his time at zzounds) info

Edirol (Roland) M-100FX powered mixer info

Scott R33S receiver as monitor amp (thanks to KRM's dad ~1970)

Dumped into PC and recorded in Audacity info

Exported as MP3 using Lame encoder info

Yamaha PSS-270 keyboard (on loan from CEA)

What is this junk?

After kinda learning to play a little guitar, I wanted to hear what I sounded like a few months before and realized I didn't have anything recorded to compare with. So, I started trying to record a couple bits just for fun. Hopefully it will be useful or amusing to me later, and might be of interest to some friends.